Special News and Special Offers

25% Off This Week

This week’s special offer… Alphabet canvases (pictured below).  You can see these on the website.  They are a quick, easy project and can be finished as ornaments, napkin rings, gift tags, or you could buy enough to make a banner.  What a great Christmas gift idea.
A Yarn Tasting
Mark your calendar for Thursday, June 21st from 6-8 pm.
What is a yarn tasting?  I’m glad you asked.  It is a party (which is reason enough to come) where you get to sample some yarn.  Space is limited to 30, so call the shop to reserve your spot. 
The books have moved!
They have moved into the back room (kitchen). The shelves are double sided and there’s a nice table where you can sit while you check out the books.
Speaking of books…. We’ve got lots of new ones.  Here are a few to whet your appetite.
Still speaking of books…

All Nashua knitting books are now 50% off. 

Finished Objects and some still not finished (eh, Jane?).
Leona finished the Knitwhits Ophelia Shrug.
She also dressed some stuffed animals in needlepoint.
Julie knit this beautiful Serendipity Shawl from Bijou Basin Ranch.  Her daughter, Sarah, models it for us. 
Deanne finished this August Pansy Shawl.  It was knit with Punta Del Este Kid Mohair Nylon.  She also finished some more socks.  The yarn is Indulgence, the pattern is Yarn Harlot’s Basic Sock Recipe.

Is that Jane’s blow fish?  I thought for sure it would be done by now.  Maybe next week.  Keep it up, Jane, Fred is calling to you.
When is this tote going to be finished, Georgie?

A Weekly Special and Some Finished Objects

Some Special Features

Everyone likes a sale.  This week’s special are these oh so cute angel ornaments.  You can see all the selections here, and there are several.  On the left is the canvas, which comes with instructions for finishing it yourself.  On the right is the finished angel.

25% Off For One Week

Also featured this week (but, sorry, not on sale)… knitting kits by Laura Nelkin. Those are beads you see in there.  A little pizazz. 


Butin Collar

 Some Finished Objects…

On the left is Georgie’s Ginger.  On the right and below are Pagodas stitched by Leona.  Those two are pretty good at this, don’t you think?

A baby cardigan (for no one in particular yet) knit by Leona.  We have the pattern in the shop and it includes a hat and scarf.

 Some fun! 
So Tuesday nights are getting a reputation.  This week we celebrated two birthdays.  Of course we don’t need a reason to celebrate.  We just enjoy each others company and try not to pester Leona too much.  There is usually a “kids” table and an “adult” table.  Join us if you dare…

The birthday girls on the right, the “adult” table on the left.

Lavish praise goes to Mary for her finished preemie caps.

 Deidre enthusiastically models a quick knit wristlet.  Here is the pattern.

Natalie helps Mary decide if it’s time to start decreasing.

Check This Out.

This week we are featuring our interchangeable needle sets.

Up first we have Knit Picks Options.  These sets come with four cables, needle tips from size 4-11US and a handy case to keep everything in.  You can choose from metal ($69.98), wood ($84.98) or clear plastic ($39.98). 

You can buy additional tips in sizes 13, 15 & 17.

From there, we go to Knitter’s Pride.  The set in the back is dreamz Symfonie Wood with size 4-11 US tips ($82.50).  The other is Cubics Symfonie Rose ($84).  These come with four cords and needle tips from US6-US11.  Not pictured is the metal Nova set which costs $69 and also comes with tips from size 4-11US.

You can buy additional tips for dreamz in 13, 15, 17 & 19 and for nova in 13, 15, 17.

Next up, we have Addi Click basic ($169.90) with metal needle tips and bamboo tips ($179.90) as well as Addi Click lace for ($169.90).

Now we continue on to Plymouth Yarn Company’s interchangeable set which comes in a fabulous faux leather carrying case.  Those are Rosewood needle tips and there are 9 pairs of them ranging in size from 4-11US.  The set also has five cables ranging from 20-40 inches.  All this for only $120.

Also featured today are two different size Knit Picks multi wood straights.  The set includes size 4US-11US needles.  The 14″ set is $99.98.  The 10″ set costs $74.98.

Now for some finished objects.
 (or nearly finished…)

This is Georgie’s tooth fairy pillow.  Remember it from a few weeks back?  This is what it looks like all finished.  Isn’t it great?

A sweet little baby hat finished by one of our knitters.

Jane continues to work away diligently on her fish.  And she never complains.  Good job, Jane.  Keep up the good work.

Jamie is very nearly finished with her Conch House Tote.  Georgie shows off her finished version.  Yea, Jamie!  It looks great. 

New This Week

Yea, It’s New Yarn

We have three new yarns from Lana Grossa.  Here is a link to some free patterns using Big & Easy.  On the left is Condito, on the right is Vivo and Vivo Print.  Here is a close-up of the Vivo.  It spreads out as you knit.
Also from Lana Grossa is Rete.  
You can find some patterns over here
Condito sells for $34, Vivo is $11.95, and Rete $9.50.
For you knitters of purses, we’ve got some new handles from Muench Yarns.  Very pretty.
New Books & Magazines

On the left is Filati Pocket. It’s got lots of great summer knits.  On the right are three books from Noro.  Two Mini Knits and World of Nature.  You have to come in and look through all the great patterns.  They are so inspiring.  We also have lots of copies of the latest edition of Knit’n Style Magazine.

And now for some finished objects.  
First up Leona…

Deanne finished a 
baby blanket.  
Cindy works it in her finished vest.

Jane claims she’s gonna finish this fish.
Let’s see how long it takes her.

Boxes, Books & Bags!

We have some great finish-it-yourself items in the shop.  We have a number of canvases you can use, or create your own unique cover on blank canvas.
E-book covers…These are designed to fit a Nook or a Kindle
iPad covers… This one is done.

Boxes – Boy do we have some boxes.  These can be finished by you or taken to a framer.  I have done both with great results.  These boxes come in a variety of shapes and colors.  Some have velvet lining and others plain wood.  The long ones make great pencil and pen boxes for your or your loved one’s desk.
Coasters – They come in a variety of colors for those finished needle work pieces.
The jean bag tote is a canvas that was sent off for finishing with leather and a zipper.  It can be a small tote for running in and out of shops when shopping or it can be a tool bag for all you crafty people.
The bags behind the jean bag tote are wallet totes with a zippered pocket and slots for credit cards.  It is flatter than the jean bag tote, so it won’t hold your cell phone.  The finished example is one with a do-it-yourself canvas.
The small green round and small square box is for a traveling jewelry box. 
The long black one is another jewelry case for necklaces, or for whatever you may want to use it for.
The pink one is a CD case.  It’s perfect for a grandchild’s movies, or cds.  These come in a variety of colors. 
This last case is another tool tote.  It doesn’t have a handle, but works very well for all those needlework or knitting tools you may have.

For the knitters out there, look what just arrived.  Yarn bowls!!!  On the left you see one demonstrated with some beautiful Kaleidoscope sock yarn.  On the right you see the selection of bowls we have.  I think these will go fast.  Most are $38.  The sheep and the gray striped one in the front are $50.

 Now for some finished objects.
A tiny mini stocking with 
stuffer, stitched by Georgie.
An iPad cover stitched by Georgie.
First of Leona’s 2014 Ornaments.

Holden Shawlette… knit by Leona.
Sandy’s Yarn Bowl.