No Blog Today, I Want to Knit…

…I’m only kidding, I can be responsible.  Here you go.

Saturday Snacks and Skills

May 4, Cable Without a Cable Needle

If you are planning on attending the Cable Without a Cable Needle Class (and you definitely should) you need to come in and pick out your yarn so you can get started before class.  You will need to have finished about 10 rows before class.  It’s not a difficult pattern at all, so don’t be intimidated

The VooDoo Doll class was a great success.



Recipe Time!

Lainey’s Awesome Spinach Cheesy Bread


Unsalted butter, Allouette garlic and herb cheese x 2, chopped spinach, bread.

Melt enough butter to cover the bottom of a pan, add cheese (1.5 packages of cheese is good unless you want it extra cheesy). Stir till melted. Make sure spinach is well drained, then add to cheese.   Cut up the bread. Melt a little more butter to brush the top of the bread. Toast for a few minutes till crispy. Spoon cheese-spinach mixture onto bread, toast for a few more minutes.  Enjoy.


We don’t want to celebrate Leona’s screw-ups… but…

They do kinda encourage us just a little bit, don’t they?

This one was a knitting mishap.  Something about doing a k2tog when she should have been doing a ssk.

Her next one is a bit more surprising, since Georgie missed it, too.  This canvas went off to the finisher without being completely stitched.  Fixing a finished ornament can be quite a challenge.  Lavish Praise, Leona.  Pay more attention next time…




I guess when you are making twelve of something, a little mistake on one of them isn’t too much of a problem.




How about some finished objects from our friends.


Hey knitters, where’s your stuff?

We want to show you this pretty tea box made by the talented Alan McIntosh.  His wife is one of our finishers.  He sent it to Leona as a thank-you gift.

What Are You Working On?

Thanks very much to the Pass Christian High School Knitting Club (Knit One, Parlay Two) and their adviser, Ms. Gibson for their invitation to speak last Friday.  Leona and Deanne had a great time showing off many delicious yarns and finished objects to a wonderfully enthusiastic group of young knitters.  I think they’re hooked.


Leona has been busy knitting up samples from the new yarns we showed you last week and we want to share them with you.  Universal Yarn has a lot of free patterns to inspire you.  Of course, we have some pattern books available or ideas as well.

A scarf made from Poems Puzzle. The pattern is on the skein wrapper. (Try to not be freaked out by the glass head.)


An iPad cover made using Poems, Poems Chunky, and Poems Puzzle.


A cowl from Bamboo Bloom


A cowl from Comin Up Flowers.  Look at the little flowers.  They form as you knit.  Pretty cool, don’t you think?


This is Chiffon Ribbon.  We got a sampling of several different colors.


We have a few other finished objects to show you this week.


Leona finished another throw.  The variations possible from this pattern are infinite.


Georgie finished her VooDoo Doll just in time to show it off at class this weekend.

Speaking of VooDoo Dolls, we are very excited about the Snacks and Skills on Saturday class this week.  Stay tuned.  Maybe there will be pictures next week…



A Reminder Post.

Remember the VooDoo Doll Class this Saturday.

Starts at 10:00, costs $150 for canvas, thread, stitch guide and instruction.

Did I mention that this canvas is a French Knot exclusive.  Not available anywhere else.

Did I mention there will be snacks.

Call Leona if you have questions (228-255-3100).


New This Week!

Ernie stopped by this week and brought us some goodies.  We made him stop for a moment to take his picture.  Then we got busy.


Look what we got…

Some new patterns


Some more new patterns


Some pattern books to help you decide what to make with…


…all this new yarn.

What you see here is Mohair Mountain, Cotton Supreme Splash, Poems Chunky, Poems Silk, Poems Puzzle, Poems Socks, Poems, Classic Shades, Saki Silk, Deluxe Worsted, and Bamboo Bloom.


Don’t forget about the Snacks and Skills on Saturday.

April 20 (Needlepoint), Voodoo Doll Class, $150, includes canvas, threads and stitch guide.


May 4 (Knitting), Cable Without a Cable Needle, $20, includes pattern and yarn.

June 15 (Needlepoint), Dealing with Borders, $20, bring a work in progress that needs a border.

 Mark your calendar.


Now for some finished objects.

Sarah finished these two pillows.



Eileen stitched this one.


Georgie made this sweet sweater for her soon to be born granddaughter.  The pattern, along with lots of other adorable patterns is in this book.


Leona made this blanket for Georgie’s soon to be born granddaughter.  The pattern is Diagonal Eyelet Baby Blanket from Lion Brand.


These pods were knit by Eileen to have her grandbaby’s picture taken in.



Ten Things You Need to Know

Snacks and Skills on Saturday

1.  Voodoo Doll Class:  April 20 @ 10:30:  $150

We’ve had a few spaces open up, so you haven’t missed your chance.  Call (228-255-3100) or email ( the shop to register.


2.  Learn to Cable Without a Cable Needle:  May 4 @ 10:30:  $20

Whether you know how to cable or not, this class will be helpful.  If you already know how to make cables, this will give you a technique to speed up your cable knitting.  Of course, if you’ve never made cables before, this is a great time to learn.

We are taking registrations for this class and there will be a very small bit of pre-work to be ready for class.  The cost is $20 which includes the yarn and the pattern.


3. The Website is Constantly Changing

The Canvas Page is undergoing major construction.  Soon, all the canvases in the shop will be available to see online.


4.  We Have an Online Store

Not only can you see our canvases online, but you can also purchase them online.  You can get to the store from the individual canvas pages or you can click on the Shopping link above.


5. We Are Putting Some Yarn On Sale.

Some of the Noro Yarns…

Cash Iroha $9.60
Cashmere Island $9.60
Iro $16
Kureyon $7.20
Silk Garden $9.56
Silk Garden Chunky $9.56
Silk Garden Lite $9.56


Cascade 220 $7.20
220 Paints $9.60
220 Quatro $8


6.  We Have Some New Canvases


7. We Have a Group on Ravelry

Lot’s of fun conversations over there.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with Ravelry, it is a social networking site for knitters, crocheters, spinners, and general lovers of fiber.  You have to join, which is free and then the benefits are endless… patterns, yarn information, like-minded groups, and general fun.


8. We Have a Facebook Page

You can like us and leave comments telling us how much you love us.  We will return the favor by telling you how grateful we are for your loyalty.


9. We Have a Google Group

This is the email list we use to inform folks of blog updates, upcoming events and general news.  We won’t flood your inbox, we promise.  If you want to join, just give us your email.


10.  Finished Objects

This one isn’t quite finished, but since the stitcher is from out of town, and the canvas is so beautiful, we just had to share it with you.


We call this the Anniversary Moth because it’s been almost exactly a year since she started it.  She came in just in time to make it into the blog.


Deidre cross-stitched Disney Princesses.


Julie finished this amazing shawl.  Lavish praise, Julie.


A pair of socks by Deanne.


A pair of socks by Becky.


A quotable quote:  “You’re not just saying ‘ok’ cuz it’s ok, it’s ok, right?”