What is Felting?

Felting, or boiled wool, is the process of converting your knitted wool into something solid.  Sometimes we want to felt our knitting.  Other times, well… then it’s a tragedy.  When done intentionally it is a great affect.  When unintended, it becomes a doll sweater.

Wool felts so well because when wetted and agitated, the scales on the wool swell, rub against each other and bind together.  This results in a denser, smaller fabric.  Remember to check the label carefully since you do not want to use superwash wool.  Superwash wool is treated either by a soak in an acid bath that removes its scales or it is coated with a polymer or resin and thus coated to prevent felting.  Additionally, yarn with less than 60% wool will not easily felt.

Of course, as with all things knitting, there are multiple ways to accomplish your goals.  An upright washing machine with an agitator and hot water is probably the easiest method, though it is possible to hand-felt certain items with lukewarm water.  Some people add boiled water to assure that the water in the machine is good and hot. A zippered pillowcase will protect the item (and your washing machine) add jeans, tennis balls, towels or other bulky items to help with agitation.  Check on it about 10 minutes into the washing process.

Since part of the felting process is shrinkage, it is important to consider how large you should knit your item.  A good rule of thumb is 50% shrinkage in height and 30% in width, and swatching is recommended for garments.  If you swatch, you won’t be surprised.  Often, a felted project doesn’t have to be an exact fit.  If the final dimensions are important, you should knit and felt a swatch.


24.5 inches before felting

Before felting


During its bath


21.5 after felting

After Felting


Slippers after felting

Slippers after felting











Some felted hedgehogsA felted vase


Stop in and see some examples of felted knitting.


And now… finished objects.


Remember our Storewide Sale.  

Canvases and most yarns 20% off.


We Are Having A Sale


A Summer Sale

Ends on Saturday, June 7.

20% off canvases and most yarns.



Finished Objects

We love to share your finished objects with everyone.  If you have something you’d like to share bring it in or send us a picture.  Click “info” (on the right) for a few more details.

This ‘n That

Welcome to the May 15, 2014 edition of The French Knot Blog.  We are so happy you’ve taken the time to see what we have to share with you this week.  If you’re lucky, it will be very informative and slightly entertaining… but I can make no promises.


First up this week we have some fun stuff to show you.  

Gumbo Pot Ornaments available exclusively from us!

A Pot Of Gumbo


Remember way back when… we received a bunch of fair trade baskets from Africa?  They were quite popular and went fast.  We have more.  There is a nice variety of sizes and styles.  Prices range from $30 – $70. Hurry up and get yours before they are gone.

 Free Trade Baskets


Free Trade Baskets


We’ve also put together some Knitted Throw Kits.  Lots of color combinations to choose from.  The kits are $160.

Knitted Throw Kits

Georgie\'s Knitted Throw

New Kreinik colors!!  Aren’t they pretty?  We have these colors in #8, #12 and #16. 

New Kreinik Colors


Good News About the Sale Wall!  All Cascade 220 and all the Noro yarns (except sock) are now 50% off.  Speaking of our Sale Wall… we have started listing our sale yarns on eBay.  Now you can easily see what we are clearing out and of course ordering from eBay is super easy.  Of course, you can still call us if you prefer.


The French Knot is going to take a little trip.  The Louisiana Lagniappe Chapter of EGA has invited us to their 2014 Seminar.  We will be the Seminar’s Boutique.  We are excited about this opportunity even though it will mean moving a significant portion of our inventory to Baton Rouge for a few days.  


Two Needlepoint Reminders…

Leona does amazing stitch guides.  If you are stumped about what stitches would look good on a canvas, just ask.  If you decide to have her do a stitch guide for your canvas, you will need to leave it with her for a few days. The cost for stitch guides depends on the complexity of the canvas.



Designer pillows
, large stand-ups & 
kissing balls
Halloween… July 31
Thanksgiving/Hanukkah… August 27
Christmas… September 3

Christmas stockings & non-designer pillows (you choose the fabric)… September 20

Small ornaments & stand-ups… October 23


Speaking of Finishing…

Enjoy some stuff our friends have finished.


A Haiku or Two.

Start them stitching young,

They’ll be very glad you did,

When they are grown up. 

Start \'em young.
Lilly comes to knit night with Mom.


Knitting is heathy,

For your mental well being,

So start something new.

Pull out that project,

Languishing in your closet,

Or come for new stuff.